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Dr. Mark R. Wieland Participates in Genetech Port Delivery System to Implant Small Device in Eye

Dr. Wieland is one of the first doctors in the Bay Area to implant a small device into the eye of a patient with wet AMD. This device can deliver regular anti-VEGF treatment to the eye without the need for monthly injections.

The clinical trial that our office participated in enrolled 220 patients with wet AMD who had received two or more anti-VEGF injections prior to the study. The device called the Port Delivery System (PDS) is designed by Genentech and allows for anti-VEGF medication to be delivered to the eye in a sustained manner without the need for monthly injections. The results of this clinical trial were published in Ophthalmology.

Dr. Wieland, as well as Dr. Khanani, was interviewed for their research at the 37th ASRS Annual Meeting, July 26-30, in Chicago. Watch the video (fourth to last).